Dating Etiquette Articles

Don’t Rush

Don’t Rush

When you are single it can seem like everyone around you is in a relationship and you can get to thinking 'why me?' when all of your friends find a partner..

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Talking Politics

Talking Politics

No matter where you go this week, you will probably have heard people talking about politics, from the importance of voting through to what they think of the.

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What to Wear in the Heat

What to Wear in the Heat

In the UK and Ireland we are not likely to get scorching temperatures, but when it starts to heat up we can still suffer from sweaty armpits and dressing.

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How to Play Fair

How to Play Fair

When you are using an online dating website, it is all too easy to feel detached from the other people on the website as you can't see them face-to-face until.

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Being Single at a Wedding

Being Single at a Wedding

As April begins so does the annual trickle of wedding invites, that marks the beginning of wedding season. Weddings are a great opportunity to catch up with.

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How to Spot a Cheater

How to Spot a Cheater

Ninety-nine percent of online dating websites are designed for single people to help them to find other single people. Sadly, however, there are a small.

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Why do I get Friendzoned?

Why do I get Friendzoned?

The friendzone isn't a soft play area where small children go to run about and make new friends - it's when you fancy someone and they consider you to be.

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