Muddy News

Introducing the fresh, new Muddy Matches countryside dating app, available now to download for iOS and Android.

Reindeer herder hopes Muddy Matches can play Cupid
90% muddy Reindeer herder joins Muddy Matches hoping we can play countryside Cupid in the Cotswolds

7 ways to give your dating profile a festive wrapping
From talking turkey to Christmas jumper selfies, spruce up your Muddy Matches online dating profile with some festive tips we know work.

Muddy Matches puts its support behind popular rural podcast
Muddy Matches are delighted to sponsor the brilliant It’s in Our Roots podcast, telliing the inspiring stories of folk with mud in their blood.

The day Muddy Matches caught the eye of King Charles III
Muddy Matches recall the day King Charles came and enquired all about farmer dating with us at the 2008 Royal Show.

What’s your cup of tea?
The nation's favourite brew goes much deeper than it being something to whet the whistle whilst working.

Flocking to the Royal Highland Show?
A delightfully colourful collection of designer sheep sculptures will tour Scotland this Spring to promote the sheep shearing World Championships

‘Perfect for singles over 50, who love the rural lifestyle.’
Woman&Home Magazine list Muddy Matches in their ‘curated collection of the best dating apps and websites for the Over 50s’

Muddy dating is ‘crème de la crème’ in the world of Glamour
Glamour Magazine feature farmer dating with Muddy Matches in their shortlist of 'best dating apps and websites for finding love'

Horse lovers find Muddy Matches good-to-firm for dating
Discover how horse loving singles are finding favour at Muddy Matches, when it comes to dating folk who understand the lifestyle.

The American dream has a muddy dating edge.
How interest coming from America shows Muddy Matches' traditional way of online dating has appeal that far extends British shores