Success Stories

Rural single turns to Trust Pilot to tell of her 'textbook' online dating experience that unearthed my Muddy Match.

Self confessed ‘boot snob’ falls knee deep in muddy love
Country couple, Russell and Ali set to wed six years after meeting online whilst rural dating with Muddy Matches.

Three weddings and a tractor!
After double disappointment, a muddy matched country couple tie the knot, with a John Deere 8400R tractor in tow!

Sarah finds her soulmate in sheep farmer, Derek.
Yorkshire single, Sarah hoped for that 'elusive spark' whilst online dating. She never expected to unearth a soulmate in muddy boots.

‘Life couldn’t be any better’ for muddy Welsh couple.
Welsh couple Emma and Mark talk of their new chapter in muddy life together, two years after matching online whilst country life dating.

Green fingered Scottish single finds his match, down under.
Green fingered Scottish singleton finds his match 11,500 miles away in New Zealand... and it's all thanks to Muddy Matches.

“We can see a very happy, very bright future together”
Ruth declares her love of Muddy Matches with 5 star Trust Pilot review after finding rural romance whilst online dating with us

Edward flys the nest after unearthing ‘the one’
After country life dating on and off since 2008, mud lover Edward flies the nest with a new connection in tow.

“We are so glad we joined Muddy Matches”
Meet the horse lover who met her cattle farmer soulmate on Muddy Matches, after more mainstream dating apps had failed to deliver.

Lockdown brought us closer, quicker… now we’re engaged
How life in lockdown inspired mud lovers and country couples to make things official, and propose

Singles making love, and hay, whilst the sun shines
Muddy Matches awash with new muddy love stories from country couples who match, meet and then date during the summer of love.