Rural Love Articles

Claire sought new love in the New Year so to discover new outdoor adventures together. Now she's all set.

“Thank you very much, Muddy Matches” Alison (50)
After initial nerves about online dating, Alison (50) is ready to up sticks and move in with her new Muddy Match.

‘Love at first sight does exist’ on Muddy Matches
Do you believe in love at first sight? Norfolk nature lover Kate does after meeting her 'soulmate' on Muddy Matches.

We couldn’t believe our luck with what we found on Muddy Matches.
Hannah & Adam's bold, brave first steps into online dating quickly lead to a long term muddy match formed on common ground.

Katie strikes a muddy connection with farming soulmate Steve
A focus on shared countryside interests sparks instant chemistry for Katie as she finds farmer love and family life with soulmate Steve on Muddy Matches

Sandra & Andrew’s story of muddy love rekindled
A tale of how rural love overcame family circumstance and 50 beef cattle to be rekindled six years after first connecting on Muddy Matches online dating.

Max and Sarah’s muddy life heads down under
UK dairy farming couple switch Somerset for New Zealand's South Island and muddy life together down under a decade after meeting online with Muddy Matches

Muddy love is Rocketman-fuelled for Karen and Alan
How an Elton John tribute act set the tone for Karen and Alan’s blossoming smash hit rural relationship, after meeting on Muddy Matches

We’re celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary…
Met my now husband through Muddy Matches in 2008. We're celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary in August. He's a game keeper, and was living in.

I met a lovely lady…
I met a lovely lady on here which is going very well - thank you. Richard.

We felt lucky to have found each other…
In February 2011 Chris and I met on your website. We had both been on our own after divorces and begun to think we would never find someone we clicked with..