Date Farmers Articles

In Leap Year tradition, meet Steph who proposed on Feb 29th to greens farm manager Steve, after meeting on Muddy Matches

Holy cow! Beef farmer proposes on Christmas Day
Cotswolds girl Ella unexpectedly unwrapped an engagement ring from her beefy boyfriend, and muddy match, Rob on Christmas morning

Farmer finds his warmhearted Welsh match – Fraser & Ann
A Shropshire farmer unearths the outdoorsy, warm hearted lady he'd hoped to find whilst dating with us.

Staffordshire farmer finds his Muddy Match – Andrew (56)
A love of country pubs and farming shows connects farmer Andrew to a match 'who can put up with country life'.

“Thank you very much, Muddy Matches” Alison (50)
After initial nerves about online dating, Alison (50) is ready to up sticks and move in with her new Muddy Match.

“We thought we’d never marry again. Then we met our muddy soulmate.”
“He accepts me in my wellies and jodhpurs, and I slot well into his farming world.”

Ex sheep farmer lands a new relationsheep online
Just 14 days into his rural dating time with Muddy Matches, and an ex sheep farmer lands a new relationsheep.

Sandra & Andrew’s story of muddy love rekindled
A tale of how rural love overcame family circumstance and 50 beef cattle to be rekindled six years after first connecting on Muddy Matches online dating.

Max and Sarah’s muddy life heads down under
UK dairy farming couple switch Somerset for New Zealand's South Island and muddy life together down under a decade after meeting online with Muddy Matches

Found a lovely girl on the site…
Successfully found a lovely girl on the site, thank u Muddy Matches Ewan.