Top Tips for Meeting the Parents

Tuesday, November 20th, 2012
Picture of a couple in their 70s looking happy and sitting on a green sofa together

After a few months of dating, there comes a time when your date will say those fateful words “I’d like you to meet my parents” (assuming that they don’t live with their parents and didn’t get a lift from them to meet you for your first date). Being invited to meet their parents shows that you have reached a stage in your relationship where they see you as part of their future, which is of course a wonderful thing.

However you may be nervous about meeting them, so here are some tips to help you to prepare:

Think about what to wear – Dress for the occasion and try not to look tarty or over the top. Think simple, smart and clean. If you drive you can always keep some spare clothes and shoes in the car. You never know, they might suggest a muddy walk or a posh dinner out.

Remember that they’re nervous too – Your date’s parents are probably just as nervous about impressing you as you are about impressing them. Try to relax and hopefully they will feel relaxed too.

Mirror their greeting – When it comes to meeting for the first time, mirror what they do. If they go to shake your hand, go for a handshake. If they’re more into air kissing, get prepared to do your best A-list impression. If they go in for a hug, try not to accidentally head-butt them or stand on their feet (although maybe it’s just me who has done that).

Take a present – Ask your date what sort of thank you gift his/her parents enjoy. If your date really doesn’t know what they like or insists that they won’t expect a present, go for something safe like a simple bunch of flowers. You don’t want to bring chocolates and find that they’re on a diet.

Find out what they are interested in – Ask your date what his parents enjoy and ask to find out a little bit about them. For example, if you know that his/her Mum loves interior decoration, you could compliment something that you like about her house.

Also, find out if you share any hobbies with your date’s parents, it’s easier to discuss something that you enjoy, rather than to suddenly feign an interest in cartography.

Be polite – Manners can go a long way; saying ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘that was lovely’ is a good way to win them over. Offer to help clear away after you have eaten or had a drink with them.

You can’t please everyone – Be prepared for your date’s parents not to like you instantly (especially if they are a mummy’s boy or a daddy’s girl). If they don’t take an instant liking to you, be patient and don’t get too defensive or downhearted.

What are you best and worst experiences of meeting a date’s parents? Join the discussion on Facebook.