Horse & Hound: “A Match Made in Horsey Heaven”

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Horse loving married couple Sophie and Edward, who met through Muddy Matches are featured in the 12th February issue of Horse & Hound.

Speaking to Horse & Hound writer Hanna, Sophie said:

“He ended up on there [Muddy Matches] because he works very long hours in an office and rarely gets time to get out and meet people. I was working full-time in retail and every spare moment I had was spent on the yard with my horse Ophelia,” she says. “He contacted me first, and we emailed each other back and forth for a month. I liked one of his profile pictures, which was of him playing polo, and found out that he owned a polo pony.”

“We spent nine months after our first date in a long-distance relationship, living 65 miles apart,” says Sophie. “I occasionally went to visit his pony and have a ride, or watch him play polo, and he borrowed a horse from my yard so we could ride out together.”

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