Muddy Matches works its magic for Welsh rural singles
Monday, January 16th, 2023

“We never would have met any other way than through Muddy Matches”
When rural Welsh single Lisa launched herself into rural dating with Muddy Matches in September last year, she did so open minded about what she may find.
With one of the most agricultural profiles we’ve seen in 15 years as the UK’s original home of farmer dating, the 50-year-old separated singleton from Mid Glamorgan jumped in feet first in muddy boots.
It was a bold move, fitting of her farming background.
At 5ft, and described as ‘a little lady with a big personality’ she said her 360 excavator skills weren’t to be sniffed out and she preferred to spend her days sat in a ‘big yellow JCB shovel’.
She even laid down a challenge too to the muddy men out there; suggesting she ‘give most blokes a run for their money’ when it came to working with a shovel.
It was all in hope of snaring a man who shared her outlook on rural life and was ‘able to walk 5 to 7 miles, always with smiles’. And it worked, but she did have to spread the net a bit further afield than daters would typically do on other dating apps.
“I have found a partner and we met through muddy matches nearly 4 months ago. It has been quite exciting and it’s going really well at the moment. Thank you.”
“We live 100 miles apart, so never would have met any other way than through the website.”
There’s a real muddy spirit in Lisa, and we are delighted she’s flown the rural dating nest with a new man, who ticks a lot of her online dating boxes, in tow.

Trusted by genuine rural singles, Muddy Matches is the UK’s original, award-winning home of rural dating, and the ‘go-to’ place to meet, match, date UK farmers.
Connecting over common ground and outlook on country life, who will you unearth?
Main image used for illustrative purpose only and does not feature the rural single who is quoted in this rural dating success story.