Kissing Poll Results
Friday, July 06th, 2012
To celebrate International Kissing Day we ran a kissing poll and here are the long-awaited results…
We had an amazing response, with 1700 members from across the UK and Ireland taking part. It was so successful in fact, that in total, we gave away almost 33 years’ worth of free memberships – we had a very busy June!

Would you kiss on a first date?
- 82% of women and 75% of men said that they would kiss on the first date.
- 98% of people over 40 would kiss on the first date, whereas only 61% of people in their 60s said that they would.
- Our Northern Irish members are the most likely to kiss on a first date, with 89% saying yes.
Who should initiate the first kiss?
- Overall, 58% of people said that either a man or a woman should initiate the first kiss. However, 54% of women said that it should be the man who makes the first move.
- People in Northern Ireland were the most likely to say that the man should initiate the first kiss with 56% saying that the man should take the lead and nobody saying that the woman should take the lead.
- Surprisingly, the age group to favour the traditional values was people in their 20s (49%).
What age were you when you had your first kiss?
- The most common age for respondents to have had their first kiss was between the ages of 13 and 16 (42%), and 25% had their first kiss between the ages of 10 and 13.
- People in Northern Ireland were the most likely to wait until they were at least 16 before having their first kiss (66%).
- Only 3% of our Scottish respondents were aged over 18 when they had their first kiss.
How many people have you kissed?
- Over half of those surveyed said that they’d kissed more than 20 people. The most likely to have kissed more than 20 people were the over 70s (83%).
- People in Wales (65%) were the most likely to have kissed more than 20 people.
Is it possible to fall in love with someone who is a bad kisser?
- 62% of men said that they could fall for a bad kisser, compared to only 46% of women.
- 83% of under 20s said they could fall in love with a bad kisser, whereas only 50% of people over 70 said that they could.
Where was your first kiss?
- Proving your ‘muddy’ credentials, 13% of members had their first kiss in a field and in the ‘other’ box responses included “on hay bales”, “in a tractor”, “in a stable” and the most popular answer: at a “Young Farmers party”.
We’re eager to find out how many people took full advantage of their week’s membership and bagged themselves a hot date! Email us to let us know if you did or join the discussion on Facebook.