Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

In the follow-up to the great article featuring Muddy Matches in last weekend's Telegraph (“Rural dating: Finding love in the countryside” by Anna Tyzack), David Whiteley from the TV programme BBC Inside Out East has got in touch to see if he might be able to do a piece on us.

Inside Out East covers interesting features in the Eastern counties (Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedford and Northamptonshire) and David would potentially like to take a look at the modern rural dating scene by following two single muddies from the region and talking to them about what makes them muddy, the importance of meeting someone who shares their interests and how meeting people in the countryside might have changed.  He is likely to want to film their day-to-day lives for a while and finish with their attendance at the Mud Lovers Ball in Northamptonshire on Saturday 22nd May 2010.

Would you be interested in taking part?

We are currently looking for single muddies – male or female and of any age – who might be interested in taking part in this documentary.  Ideally you would be from one of the Eastern counties listed above (but this is not essential) and work in a rural industry. 

It will be a really fun experience and potentially a great way to meet a few new people so, if you fancy doing something a bit different, why not give it a go? 

If you would be interested in taking part, please drop Lucy a quick email at with a little bit of information about yourself (e.g. name, age, where you live, what you do etc). 

Inside Out at the Mud Lovers Ball 

It is by no means a definite that Inside Out will be there and it is currently just an idea we are working through.  If it does go ahead though and you are attending (or thinking about attending) the ball, please be assured that they would only be filming people who have agreed to speak to them.  Whilst it is a great opportunity for us to promote Muddy Matches and increase awareness of the site, our primary focus is that everyone coming to the ball has a brilliant time and we are really conscious that some people are more camera shy than others!  However, if on the other hand you are coming to the ball and think it would be great fun to be included in this documentary, please do let us know and if it goes ahead we will try to make sure you are interviewed – please email Lucy at