Getting Ready for the Off

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

It’s less than a week now until we set off and we have just spent our first night in the new-look motorhome.  We thought we’d better have a practice run and are pleased to announce that we got through the night without any serious problems!

In fact, we are trying to spend as much time as possible in our new home so we make sure we pack properly.  We certainly don’t want to set off, only to realise a few days later that we’ve forgotten the bottle opener!

By the way, a big thanks to Mum, who kindly made some seat covers to spare us from the original decor!

Getting Ready for the Off
Muddy Matches team meeting
Lucy struggling to make up her bed - see what we mean about the decor?!
Getting Ready for the Off
Emma acquainting herself with all aspects of the motorhome