How to Separate the Wheat from the Chaff

Sunday, October 14th, 2018

Sorry, this isn’t an agricultural blog post; we’re not going to literally going to tell you how to process grain. However, we will go through some of the ways that you can read into what someone is saying within their profile text to determine whether, or not they will be a good match for you.

Signs of laziness

Someone who has written just a few lines of profile text is likely to be either lazy, or just not committed to the whole process of online dating. If you are interested in them, add them to your favourites list and see if they add any more text.

If you have a super-short dating profile, now is the time to add to it!


If someone says that they are ‘not looking for anything serious at the moment’, be thankful for their honesty and move on if you are looking for a relationship. They may recently have left a relationship, so are only looking for sexual contact. Don’t think that you will be able to change their way of thinking as this will only lead to emotional anguish for both of you as you will be left disappointed and they will feel mean when they have to break up with you.

Anger issues

If someone has filled their profile with a list of personality issues such as ‘I don’t want someone who is a mummy’s boy’, or ‘I don’t want any drama queens’, it is a good indication that they might have unresolved issues. It is a sign of emotional immaturity and may mean that they will be looking for your faults, rather than being able to deal with problems in a relationship as they arise.

Too specific

If a profile looks like a shopping list of demands, it is a sign that someone is being very picky as a way of protecting themselves from the emotional risk of being in a relationship. It is a good idea to be extra sensitive if you do choose to go for someone who has written a long list of requirements as they may be emotionally vulnerable.