Dating as a Single Parent

Wednesday, September 06th, 2017

According to research by Gingerbread a quarter of all families in the UK are single parent families and many single parents are looking to find a new relationship. How can you find a new relationship and still balance the needs of your family and work commitments?

Don’t feel guilty

A lot of single parents feel guilty when they start to get back into dating as they feel like their children will be upset by the process, or that they will not get to spend enough time with their children if they are on the dating scene.

Dating will mean that you have to take time away from your family, but ‘me’ time is important and meeting up with people can give you a confidence boost and a chance to have conversations with people who are outside of your usual friendship group.

Be honest

Some people avoid saying that they have children, for fear that it will deter people who do not have children themselves, or those who are keen to start a family soon. However, it is important to be honest and the right person for you will not dismiss you just because you have children.

Do arrange childcare

You know that auntie/grandparent…. who keeps saying that they’d love to look after your child for the afternoon? Take them up on the offer and let your family enjoy spending time together while you enjoy a fun date.

If you are still on good terms with your child’s other parent, ask if they would like to take care of them for the day.

Do arrange something fun

If you’ve always longed to go to a particular restaurant, play, pub… but haven’t had the chance, then make sure to arrange your date around your current interest so that even if it doesn’t work out, you’ve still enjoyed the new experience.

Don’t introduce your date to your child

Wait until you are in a committed relationship with someone before you introduce them to your child, or children. Meeting lots of different people will be confusing for everyone involved and could upset your child if they become emotionally attached to someone who you do not ‘click with’.