Cinema Dates
Friday, September 30th, 2016

We would never recommend a date to the cinema for a first date as you don’t get the chance to chat to one another. However, when you have already got to know one another well, it can be a good way to enjoy each other’s company in comfortable silence.
When to go
Going on a Friday, or Saturday night will mean that you’ll have less choice of seating than if you go on a less popular night. If you want good seats on a busy night, make sure to book in advance.
Who pays
If one person pays for both tickets, the other person should offer to pay for the cinema snacks, or a drink afterwards. There is a bit of debate about whether it is okay to use a 2-4-1 deal on a date, but you should be able to gauge this from how the person was on your first date.
Where to sit
The back row is known as the place where amorous couples sit for a reason – if you’re at the back, you won’t distract other cinema goers when you lean in for a cheeky snog.
What to eat
Great British Bake Off contestant Tom claimed to enjoy eating fougasse (a type of bread) when he goes to the cinema, but we’d recommend a more conventional option of popcorn, or sweets. A lot of cinemas sell tortilla chips and dips, but they should be avoided in the dark, as you don’t want to exit the cinema coated in stains.
What to watch
The simple answer to this is whatever you are both keen to see. Don’t try to second guess what your date would like to watch, or try to impress them by watching something that you really aren’t interested in.
What to do afterwards
You’ll be raring to discuss the film together, so heading for a coffee, or a beer afterwards will allow you to share your opinions with one another.