When Should You Compromise?

Thursday, July 09th, 2015
Woman crossing her fingers behind her back

Finding your perfect match will involve some compromise, but there should be some things that you should be flexible on and some that you shouldn’t.

What you should compromise on:

Identi-kit looks – If your last few partners have all looked basically the same it’s time to expand your horizons. Tall, dark and handsome or petite and blonde is all very well, but keeping to a particular look can mean that you miss out on other attractive people who do not fit the mould.

Spelling and grammar – If you refuse to date anyone who doesn’t have a word perfect profile, you’re narrowing down your field unnecessarily. Poor spelling or grammar doesn’t mean that someone is not intelligent, it’s just a reflection on their writing skills.

Finding another you – It’s fantastic to have lots in common, but it’s not necessary to find someone who is basically you.

What not to compromise on:

Values – Your values are very personal to you, but if you really care about a particular belief make sure that you do not change for someone or pick someone who has a completely different outlook to yours. For example, if you’re a down-to-earth kind of person who loves being out in nature and enjoys a simple meal in a local pub, it’s probably best to avoid someone who is very materialistic and will only eat in posh restaurants.

Religion – If your religion is an important part of your life, it would be difficult to be with someone who had different beliefs to your own.

Family – If you’ve always dreamt of having a few children, it would be hard to be with someone who was adamant that they don’t want children. You can restrict your searches to people or want children, people who don’t want children or those who are undecided.

Let us know what you would and wouldn’t compromise on.