Important Safety Information Regarding Your Photos

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

We spend a lot of time advising you about protecting your online identity in your profile text and when meeting up with other members. Today we want to stress the importance of choosing your photos carefully to keep your personal details secure.

The first thing to consider is whether you have used your photos elsewhere online along with information that you wouldn’t want strangers to have access to.

It’s becoming increasingly easy to search the internet for photos so it’s important that you don’t use photos that are linked to personal details online such as your full name, your email address or your phone number.

For example, if you use a work photo on your Muddy Matches profile someone could easily find the page on your company’s website where it appears, which will then reveal exactly where you work along with your full name and possibly even a phone number. It is important to stop and think about whether you would want everyone on a dating site to potentially be able to access this type of information.

At Muddy Matches we try our hardest to protect your identity by checking every photo that is sent into us to make sure that you do not reveal too much information about yourself such as a work logo, a club or society shirt, your house number or vehicle number plate.  However, while we like to help, it is ultimately your own responsibility to protect your personal details online. It is also worth remembering that not all dating websites have a human checking through members’ profiles and photos, so you need to be extra careful when selecting your photos to make sure that no undesirable characters can access your personal details.

For more information about protecting your identity online, please take a look at our online dating safety advice blog posts.