Country dating
Finding the right country dating website can be hard but, if you would be interested in meeting like-minded country singles or country friends, then you have come to the right place as Muddy Matches is the leading country online dating site for country singles in the UK and Ireland and you can register for free today!
Since our launch in 2007, tens of thousands of country people have joined in search of other country singles and we have now firmly established ourselves as the home of country dating. Take a look at our country dating success stories page, where you can read about all the country couples that have got together on our website.
Why not register for free and see how Muddy Matches can work for you?
Country dating events
As well as country online dating, the team at Muddy Matches also organise a large number of social events and holidays aimed at country singles.
If you would like to meet country singles then our Mud Lovers Ball is an event that you will definitely not want to miss. We also regularly hold 'Pub Grub Nights', clay shoots, walks, days at the races and lots of other events across the UK and Ireland that attract country singles of all ages.
Visit our Events page to see details of all our upcoming country dating events.
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