Why Muddy Matches is Right for You

Thursday, March 05th, 2015
Lamb sitting down and looking at the camera - Credit Clarita

There are thousands of online dating websites out there; in fact we’re starting to wonder if there will be one per person within the next few years, so how do you know whether Muddy Matches is the right website for you?

If you agree with these statements, we think that you’re in the right place!

You’re looking for someone who doesn’t panic when they see a sheep – You may laugh, but there are people who rank as 100% townie in our quiz who get palpitations when they are within the same field as a sheep. Frankly, some people can’t even be coaxed in to a field in the first place.

You love being outside – What do farmers, equestrians, cyclists and keen gardeners have in common? It’s a love of being outside in the great outdoors come rain or shine. If you’re looking to meet people who don’t mind a bit of rain or mud, then Muddy Matches is a great website for you.

You know the importance of a good personality – There are lots of dating website where you can make a quick decision based on looks, but Muddy Matches offers a more traditional approach, where you can add profile text and interests so that people can see what you’re like as a person. In fact, our research has shown that the most popular profiles have an average of 300 words of profile text.

You understand the importance of quality over quantity – Muddy Matches has grown over the years and we now have enough members to fill a large town (not that we’d do that). However, we can’t claim to have millions of members, like some of the generic sites.

Being a niche website means that all of our members are bound together by a love of the countryside, so you don’t have to trawl through hundreds of profiles to find someone with whom you have something in common.